Monday, August 13, 2012


I'm sure you guys have heard this word a million times now. Sectarianism. It's a pretty powerful word and it has A LOT of meaning. Especially in Syria.

Well, some people are saying that



First off, the Syrian revolution started because of lack of rights in Syria. Jobs were low, government is EXTREMELY corrupt, economy is bad, water and electricity cut of daily, ect ect. So the Syrian people got fed up and went out and protested against this. The Syrian revolution is open to ALL. I've seen signs of people saying "ALAWI SHIA CHRISTIAN DRUZE SUNNI: DOES NOT MATTER"

Okay enough of that that totally didn't prove anything.

Now I will REALLY prove why the Syrian government is the sectarian one. Here's a little taste sectarianism from the ALAWI anonymous bitch number two (who is pro-Assad)

Here it is very briefly.
Her niece came from Syria to visit her aunt and became romantically involved with an Egyptian Sunni. They wanted to elope, but anonymous bitch number two's hubby went berserk and said a flat out NO. I felt sooooo bad for her niece, she was MADLY in love. WHY did he say no, you ask???? Oh, cause the guy was Sunni. That sounds like sectarianism to me.

(Btw the niece came to America and married the guy which totally CRUSHED both anonymous bitch number 2 and her husband. HAHAHAHA LOSERS!!!)

Here is another example.

When my mom was still talking to AB#2  she always seem to have an intense hate for Abdul Halim Khaddam. If you don't know who that is, he was the Vice President of Syria during Hafez Al-Assad's reign and the beginning of Bashar's reign. She would ALWAYS talk about how bad he was, and how he was the worst person in the Ba'ath party, and if anything bad happened it was HIS fault (Khaddam, that is). My mom agreed he was bad, but told her they were ALL bad. All the Ba'ath party is bad. Why did AB#2  hate Abdul Halim Khaddam so much? Oh, cause he was Sunni. Hmmmmm, errr Sectarian much???

Oh and to all those Assad supporters who love the minorities and defend them and say the Syrian revolution wants to kill them blah blah blah, just keep in mind Assad supporters are Holocaust deniers. AB#2 is a Holocaust denier. Why?? Cause she hates Jews. SOUNDS LIKE SECTARIANISM TO ME!!!

Man what heartless people. I saw a Holocaust video once in school and I cried so hard the teacher had to take me outside and calm me down.

You also know what some Assad supporters say? That Hitler will not suffer as much because he killed those Jews. They also say the Holocaust in EXTREMELY exaggerated and only a few Jews died.

Look, I know by the standards of Assad supporters, 6 MILLION PEOPLE dying isn't much, but ya know, that's A LOT OF PEOPLE. And even IF the Holocaust was "exaggerated" even if only a "few" Jews died, those Jews were INNOCENT PEOPLE. Sorry, we don't condone the killing of innocent people. Even if 1 Jew died, he was innocent. ONE life is a lot. That person had a name, a story, a family.

So yeah, is that enough proof for you guys? Who's sectarian now?

And if anyone is saying that I am sectarian, NO I am not. I have friends from ALL religions. I respect ALL religions and all people. I don't hate anyone for their religion. BUT if I met an Alawite, I'm willing to bet my arm that he supports Bashar. BUT if he doesn't, then hey, I'll be nice to you. I hate anyone who supports Bashar, it has nothing to do with religion okay? Besides, I don't care what moralistic assholes think of me, if you think I am reasonable, I don't care. I have my  reasons.

I have yet to see a video of a protest where the protesters are chanting Sectarian chants. I have NEVER heard anyone say "No Alawi". Please provide a video hun.  

See, in this video, the protesters repeat over and over, "WE WILL NOT BE SECTARIAN" If you don't speak Arabic, that's what they are saying. 

UMMMM I agree with Hamas and I totally love them for saying this, but you know, nobody called them sectarian when they were saying "VICTORY OVER CRIMINAL JEWISH REGIME". See, that proves you are sectarian against Jews. But yeah rock on Hamas. OH and btw, the Syrian regime is Nusayri, why is that being sectarian? Its just facts. 

This girl seriously hates her own religion, she degrades Sunnis all the time and praises the minorities. Bitch get off your lazy ass and go see what your beloved minorities are doing to Sunnis! 

Okay enough about sectrianism if you don't believe me I don't care I'm not gonna waste my time to convince you, I just provided hard facts that the regime is sectarian and NOT the revolution.

Dumb Assad supporters time:

LOLLLLL a likely story! Let me tell what really happened, her relative was a murderous thug and the FSA killed him cause he was killing innocent people. "FSA threatened him and his family" OF COURSE! 

Sure, that's why the Syrian Army entered a Palestinian refugee camp in Syria and killed a bunch of Palestinians. And don't forget the crimes Hafez Al-Assad did against Palestinians in Lebanon. Oh and don't forget, Israel is still on the map, what has Assad done to get it off the map? Oh yeah that's what I thought. 

This one is funny: Read it from the bottom up. 

HAHAHAHA she still doesn't believe in the army defections. WOW what a loser! For the camera-don't make me laugh! 

You stupid bitch, he never recognized Israel as a country, he was saying how many inches OF Israeli territory (as in the parts of Palestine that are under Israeli control) did you get back? NONE! 

Man I have NEVER seen a more brainwashed girl! My favorite thing about her is that she actually believes herself. They lied a lie and they believe it. 

I absolutely love this girl. She has the best job in the world. She goes on twitter, uses her vast imagination, and makes up stories about what is "going on" in Syria. Who the hell even gave you AUTHORITY to put this information, sounds to me like you are just making up a bunch of nonsense.

I can do that too, even better than you.
Today, the Syrian Army foiled the attempt by a group of giraffes to destroy a government facility. #Syria #Giraffes

Today, killer elephants were on a killing spree in northern Aleppo. #Syria #Elephants

See? Piece of cake.

Anonymous Syrian

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