Saturday, January 26, 2013

Double Standards

YAY I have another entry! I am so excited I really want to to dedicate myself to this blog, my last entry got so much views! Thanks to everyone! I hope this entry will make you guys laugh from how stupid pro-Assad supporters are.

Anyway, let me start with a scenario for you guys, so you can understand where I want to go.

So you are a mother. And you have a son. And your beloved son is killed by a person who belongs to a certain group, clan, club, mafia, gang, KKK, WHATEVER. The point is that that person who killed your son belonged to a group of people. Are you going to hate the person that killed your son? YES. AND you are also going to hate the group of people he belonged to. Even if they didn't do anything. You are going to hate the killer, his family, his pets, EVERYONE. Is your hate wrong? I mean his family didn't do anything right?

No, your hate is not wrong. People here are saying "we should forgive those who wronged and worry about fixing our country." Yeah we are going to fix our country with all these idiots that supported a murderous dictator. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP. People here are spewing shit because they don't know how it feels to lose a loved one to murder. They don't know how it feels so they are preaching forgiveness. I HATE it when pro-revolutionaries are like pro-Assad supporters will have to be forgiven. LIKE HELL! If the issue comes down to me, pro-Assad supporters should NEVER be allowed to step foot in Syria EVER again. And if they do, they should immediately be imprisoned. DO NOT tell me that I sound harsh. Besides, the issue does not come down to me, it comes down to the people IN Syria, the people who saw death with their very own eyes. Go tell a mother who lost her child to a shabeeh to forgive a shabeeh supporter. Tell me how that goes.

And I hate when people are like "no to sectarian." Again with issue. Seriously, pro-revolutionaries are beginning to bug me. Alawites are killing Sunnis in Syria. Is this being sectarian? I really don't care anymore. I am stating facts. Alawites ARE killing Sunnis. Intentionally killing SPECIFICALLY sunnis. Why should I pretend, or worse, have to love Alawites and treat them like they are part of the revolution when they are killing sunnis in Syria? I shouldn't have to. Call me sectarian, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. Alawites are killing sunnis, on purpose, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Now this guy:
This guy (or girl?) is pro-revolution. His tweets are okay, except when he tweets stuff like this. Alawites can be your brothers and sisters, in fact go marry them if you love them so much. Again, tell a mother who had her child killed by a Alawite to love them and treat them like "brothers and sisters." Tell me how that goes.

DO NOT tell me "not all Alawites are bad." Let me tell you what you are saying. A member of the KKK is bad. Does that mean ALL members of the KKK are bad? YES! They share the same ideologies and concepts. They believe they are the superior race etc etc. ALL Alawites are taught to hate Sunnis. ALL! ALL! ALL! Every Alawite, EVERY Alawite, has hate towards sunnis in there heart, no matter how small.

Hmmmmm okay maybe this is just ONE bad apple. 

Okay this is another bad apple. 
Feel free to check out the 100+ videos of Alawites torturing specifically Sunnis. 
My brother spoke to a Alawite lady who had defected from her family, and she, a Alawite, said that ALL the Alawites have to be killed when Assad falls. Anyone who was in the military and killed innocent civilians must be PUT TO DEATH. Everyone should stop acting like Ghandis on other peoples behalf.
NMSyria, your opinion means NOTHING. My opinion means nothing. The people IN Syria are going to decide what should happen to your beloved Alawites, or at least the Alawites that supported Assad and committed crimes themselves. The very very very very very few Alawites who denounced Assad and joined the revolution, I LOVE YOU GUYS. You guys had the hardest part, denouncing yourselves when all others supported him. Props to you guys. All the rest, burn in hell.

Besides this idiot NMSyria guy, I love the pro-revolutionaries on twitter! 


Couldn't have said it better myself! 


If you are wondering "why just focus your hate on Alawites?"
Well, because it is mostly Alawites are the ones who are effing everything up in Syria. Deny it all you want, but it is the truth. I'm not gonna pretend like I love them all and call the my "brothers and sisters" because of the 0.000002% of the population of Alawites that are actually against Bashar. NO THANKS.
And if your like "we have to at least show them that we love them because we don't want them to be afraid to join us."
Oh god please shut up. Alawites and Sunnis have lived peacefully LONG before Hafiz and Bashar were even born. They know what Sunnis are like.

That's about as likely as Jersey Shore being nominated for an Emmy.
Jasmine Roman, who are you to decide who Syrians should forgive or not? Trust me, Syrians are famous for getting revenge. It'll be World War Syria for Assad supporters. They're gonna get it.

Okay I know this post is pretty wordy here I will balance it with some dumb Assad supporters these are REALLY good super hilarious!

No comment. This guy is RIDICULOUS! He is so in love with Assad it's crazy!!!!! So get this, a guys who supports ASSAD retweeted this tweet:

YEAH THATS KIND OF WHAT HAPPENED IN SYRIA, IT'S REALLY IRONIC HOW YOU WOULD RETWEET THIS. Assad never respected his people, and if you want proof, the human rights in Syria are among the LOWEST in the world, and that is LONGGGG before the revolution even began.
REALLY??? WOW. First off, he DEMANDED the restoration (keep in mind he is the one responsible for the attack), doesn't mean its gonna happen. I mean he's been promising reforms since 2000, so give or take 13 years and you'll hear Assad demand again for the university to be built.

Really? Your friend here has a different opinion.
Make your minds already, is it fourth or fifth???? I guess its around 4.624 then.



Newborn baby of Maher, this is your dad:
What an honor.
If you don't know, he's the guy in the front wearing a leather jacket.
Trust me, Maher just set that kid up for a bad life. He'll be the most hated kid in Syria, regardless if he is "not to blame" well, the children that died in Houla massacre weren't to blame and they paid with their lives. Moralistic people, go have you children murdered then talk about forgiveness.

LOLLLLLLLLLL sure okay you're winning whatever you say

Check out this psycho lunatic:

Damn. This seriously left me speechless. And these are the people you should say we forgive???? No, there is going to be a pro-Assad person Holocaust. 

Please go read my last entry about the importance of logic in an argument. For one thing "bilad al sham" does not ONLY mean Syria, it also means Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, that area. So what your saying is that Allah does not protect Palestine, which is why it was conquered by the Jews and is now called Israel. And Allah also protects Mecca and Medina, which is under the rule of Al Saud, whom who hate and claim they are one and one with Israel. If Al Saud were bad, then I'm pretty sure they would have been gone a long time ago. You should also consider that not everyone follows your religion so your argument is ridiculous either way. 

Okay my FAVORITE! 

Is she serious?????? Yes, go to North Korea and ask if they like Kim Jong Il, of course they are going to say yes, cause they'll get shot/tortured/sent to concentration camp if they say they don't like him. Come speak to a North Korean defector and they will obviously tell you how much they hated him. MOST SYRIANS DO HATE BASHAR. 

Tweet of the year: 



Anonymous Syrian 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Importance of Logic in an Argument

Holy cow I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!!! Sorry about that but this semester has been crazy. I'll try to commit myself to something other than studying now lol.

In this blog entry, I will discuss to you all the importance of using logic in an argument. And I'm not talking about the kind of logic where you just use big words in hopes of confusing the other person so much they begin to stutter and can no longer argue. That kind of logic is when you are arguing with your parents. I'm talking about legit logic, the kind where you can prove your point in plain English, and you make your opponents look like dumfounded idiots.

And of course, I'm going to tie this with Syrian revolution. Let me begin by addressing some claims that pro-Assad idiots make.

Let me begin by tell you that pro-Assad supporters have ZERO logic in their arguments. ZERO logic, ZERO sense.

And so it unfolds......

I mean yeah he totally made his point 

SO WHAT if Syria is one of the few countries that does not have a Rothschild World Bank? Assad prefers to rob his own people, thanks. 

"No more support and Israel will complete its expansion" WTF what support has Syria been giving to Palestine? Financial support? Military support? Well, again, last time I checked, okay I just checked again, Israel is STILL on the map. 

"We'll be victimized by the nuclear war between Russia and the West" waaaittt WHAT???? Why would Syria be victimized?? Syria is a tiny country with no nuclear power. Syria is not a superpower. 

You gotta learn to keep out facts that are irrelevant and don't prove a point. For example, their are approximatly 2,393,023 rats in Boston. NO ONE CARES.

Like is this dude serious?? Besides the serious flaws in his logic, what are you trying to prove? That Assad is good? OMG Syria does not have a Roth whatever bank?? HALLELUJAH!!!! Sorry, you didn't prove shit. 

I am allergic to bull shit! 

Anyway, heres another one. 

I'm sure many people have heard this before, that America + several other countries are trying to "destroy" Syira. And that the Syrian Arab Army is fighting off this destruction. At least thats what pro-Assad idiots claim. And that America + several other countries are supplying weapons to rebels and they support the destruction, etc etc. 


Wait what?? If America really wanted to destroy Syria, Syria would be OBLITERATED within a week MAX. And the SAA is fighting if off - don't make me laugh! Your sissy ass army wouldn't stand a chance against America, America is a world superpower. And they claim that other countries are ALSO assisting the revolution and the brave SAA is holding all of them off? WOW! Incredible! Those other countries include Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar! Damn that SAA is really something! 

So pretty much its 
*These are the number of military personal 

And apparently  +
All against this

Yup that makes sense to me. Stop fooling yourself, no country is aiding Syria. If anyone was aiding Syria with military support, then trust me the revolution would have been a success in the first week. 

See, this is LOGIC. 

Heres another issue: 


First off, have you heard anyone say "I'm Sunni and I support the Syrian revolution" I know I havent. Cause we don't care who you are, all we care is that you hate and despise Assad and believe in this revolution. 

Allow me to present to you these highly logical Syrians: 

WOAHHHH there hun just so you their are plenty of Jews in Syria. Are you saying that hating them is NOT sectarian???? Is their a degree in which you can be sectarian??? "Their blood is made of hatred and killing, revenge" WTF!!!! See when I said that about Alawites I got shit from people but apparently you can say that about Jews and its cool. Okay sure. 

Did anyone ask what religion you are?? Whose dragging religion into politics now? Would "I support Bashar" not suffice? Who gives two hoots what religion you are? Its like saying "I'm white and I support legalizing marijuana" who gives a shit what your skin color is??? That is IRRELEVANT INFORMATION. 

Heres more: 

I seriously had to rub my glasses clean to check to see if I just read what I read.  
America is a democratic nation (for the most part) and way back it banned alcohol. Everyone praised this decision. Why did they ban alcohol? CAUSE ITS BAD FOR YOU. Whether you like it or not, without alcohol their would be so much less car accidents. Don't be like "well I don't drink and drive" well someone else WILL and should we risk a life? NO. 

So if they were throwing down drugs would you also say "democracy?" Hmph. I guess drugs should be allowed because of democracy. Screw criminal rates. Screw health! 


You be the judge yourself. 

And also: 

Yeah I also support Assad - when their is a camera in my face and gunmen surrounding me. SMH what a fail. At least have the decency to hide the camera in the picture, so it can be believable. 

Yes and you would know the damage of a car bomb. Let me dissect this for you. An airstrike on Halfaya destroyed a bakery and killed people, and apparently, according to pro-Assad idiots, it wasn't an airstrike because their wasn't enough damage. UHHHH for one thing, how do you know where the airstrike landed, it could have landed 100 feet from this place, but the bakery was the place with the most people and therefore it got most of the attention. Second thing, it looks pretty darn damaged to me. Third of all, how do we know what kind of missile/bomb whatever was used? THINK! USE LOGIC! 

Assad supporters: Logic fail AGAIN 

Later y'all, 
Anonymous Syrian