Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Nobody is doing shit about Syria!
WTF is wrong with everyone????

Whether its Turkey, who is still CONSIDERING a buffer zone??!?!?!?!
Take your time, it's not like ya know people are dying or anything

Or whether its Kofi Annan who is "hopeful" about the peace plan (despite that it had already failed) WOW.

I actually never pay any attention to the UN or the Arab Leagues peace talks or negotiating agreements or whatever. They are all failures to me, before they even begin. That's an insult to the Syrian people. You are telling them to reach an agreement with the person who killed their friends and families. It's beyond late for any peace plan talks. If Bashar Al-ASSad wanted to really and truly make peace with his people, he should have

-punished those who tortured the children in the Daraa incident
-apologized to the families
-make promises to his people that it would never happen again

instead he
-called the protesters "germs"
-welcomed any battle and that "he was ready"
-while delivering his speech, he laughed half the time

I really must say this: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM????

And he's a "doctor" too. Yeah doctor my ass! I'm more of a doctor than him.

There is nooooo more peace talks. There is nooooo more negotiating. There is nooooo more anything.


There is no other solution. Everybody hates ASSad. Except his wife and his small Alawite following (cought anonymous bitches cough). And maybe that lady he cheated on his wife with. See what I mean, he cannot even be faithful to his own wife let alone to his own people. How in the hell did this idiot become president HOW???

I am soooo angry about this. Can someone please do something about Syria???? Give weapons to the Free Syria Army NOWWWWW!!! I wish I was in position of power, then I wouldn't be here blogging about how angry I am. Life is unfair! How come complete idiots and losers become leaders? WTF is wrong with this world! 

And I can go on and on and on and on

Anonymous Syrian

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