Saturday, January 11, 2014


I think I've mentioned many times how much I despise hypocrisy. To me, it is the ugliest, most horrendous characteristic. Again, as I said, everyone is a hypocrite, to an EXTENT. Like maybe you tell your sibling they can't do something and then a day later you do it. ONE TIME. Big deal,  everyone does that. But what I fucking cannot stand are people who preach DAILY about whatever, and MANY of their actions go against whatever they preach. 

So today I'm going to tell you about some hypocrites that I've seen over the course of my life. 

So this one lady, let's call her A. Now A loves to preach about forgiveness and love. Now as for me, their is this one lady that I hate. I don't like to talk to her cuz I don't like her. I don't even say hi when I see her or acknowledge her existence Life is simpler that way. Pretty innocent right? Now A decides to come along and preach to me how what I am doing is wrong. 
"You can't not say hi to her, she is like your mother" 

"You can't say you don't like her, we must not hate other" 

"You've known her for a long time, you must be at least a little kind to her" 

Ghandi I swear! 
Now this would have been okay, and I actually would have accepted her advice had not been her hypocrisy. Allow me to explain: 
Incident number one:
One of A's friends tells A's daughter to stop picking on her daughter. A goes to her friend and threatens to call the cops on her if she talks to her daughter again. 

You want me taking advise from a lady like that? Yeah, I thought so. 

Incident number 2: 
A's son is playing with this other boy, who ACCIDENTLAY hits A's son while playing. A goes into the class the poor little boy is and slaps him IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS. Then she says she will never let that boy come into her house again. 

And this would've all been fine, had it not been for the fact that A fucking preaches about forgiveness and love ALL THE TIME. STFU YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. 

Crazy right? There's more 

Now another lady (let's call her B) doesn't like the fact that I hate that one lady that I refuse to say hi too. She comes and preaches to me about how wrong I am. Okay. 
Here's the catch, just a few days before she claimed that a friends inlaws were over and she REFUSED TO SAY HI TO THEM because she said that weren't helping her friend with the chores. 


"We should forgive each other" says those who can't forgive a friend because they didn't invite them to a dinner. Say wuuuuut?!?

This is strait up hypocrisy. And it's despicable. I HATEEEEEEEEEEE hypocrisy. I cannot emphasize that enough. 

Do you have any crazy hypocrites you know? 

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