I am hearing this a lot, actually, I first heard it from anonymous bitch number one.
First of all, FUCK YOU anonymous bitch number one. FUCK YOU. GOSH I FUCKING HATE YOU WITH A PASSION. I can't stress that enough.
Back to the Bashar issue.
Is Bashar the only president in the middle east against Israel?
Anyone who says other than this is stupid as hell. Who owns the Golan Heights? Yeah, that's what I thought. ISRAEL. With his army, Bahsar could wipe out Israel in a few days. Why didn't he, if he is sooooo against Israel? CUZ he isn't.
Then again, everyone brings in the issue about Palestine when the Syrian Revolution is discussed.
First off, a disclaimer: Nobody hates Palestine okay? So chill.
BUT WHAT I CANNOT STAND, is when people shove in the Palestinian issue when people are talking about Syria.
Sure, Palestine has been through a lot. Gaza has been through a lot. I remember the 2008-2009 Israeli Palestinian conflict. I cried my eyeballs out every night. I remember people would tell me if you had one wish what would be, and it was ALWAYS: For Palestine to be free.
So, please Palestinians, you are not gonna be free from Israel till Bashar is gone. There is no way in hell that a bunch of Alawites are gonna free Palestine. What a disgrace.
Let me also make on thing clear.
I remember when I would tell anonymous bitch number one that and she would be like no God has damned the Jews. So you can't say Bashar is worse.
(anonymous bitch number one is gonna get beat up by a bunch of Jewish guys someday)
Does the Israeli government kill it's own people?NO
Does Bashar kill his own people? YES (x100000000000)
If you kill your own people, you are the worst okay? Nothing is lower than that. The Israeli government is GREAT to it's people (ITS PEOPLE, BUT SURE AS HELL NOT THE PALESTINIANS). Heck, if one of there civilians is hurt, they will be all up on your ass and give you hell.
*Side Story: Anonymous bitch number two would brag how her husband (aka jobless loser) knew Hafez Al Assad and how her husband was the personal guard of his son Basil. LOLLLLLLLLLL is she a loser or what???? YEAH MY HUBBY KNEW A DICTATOR!!! WOOOH IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THAT!!!!! Gosh what losers.
Yes, I know Israel did terrible things in Gaza, but NOT TO THERE OWN PEOPLE. People do not understand that. I hate when people say Bashar's government is better than the Israeli government. Name ONE thing Israel did that Bashar has not already done a hundred times worse. Oh yeah, you can't find anything. People need to stop being racist against Jews.
I remember there was several protests where Jews went out against Israel and tore up their Israeli passports. That's why it is unfair to hate all Jews. I have met many wonderful Jews in my past. My parents never raised me to hate any person from any race or any religion. They are even against my intense hate for Alawites, saying we do not hate anyone for who they are. My parents are the best.
So I hope I cleared that up, I love Palestine, but let's worry about Syria right now.
Anonymous Syrian
Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
opinions. Everyone can have their own opinions right? Sure. My opinion is that
Assad and his supporters are the trash of this world and this regime has performed more horrors
than any other dictator tyrant, all put together. Add Hitler, Kony, Gaddafi,
and a bunch of others just so you can barley reach to where the Syrian
Government is. Wait I take that back. That is not an opinion. It's a FACT. So
my opinion is that dogs are better than cats. There. That's an opinion.
Here is what I am trying to get to, is okay for anyone to side with the Syrian Government?
I hate when people are like it's my opinion and all that crap. You can have opinions when FACTS are not involved. So you can't have an opinion on whether or not you think 2+2=5. 2+2 will always equal 4 no matter what. And if your opinion is that 2+2=5, your gonna look really dumb. So for those who side with the Syrian regime, let me just give you the 411. You are siding with a government that kills innocent children EVERYDAY. A government that tortures people, and all cause those people are asking for is BASIC human rights. People are not even asking for higher wages or healthcare benefits. You are siding with a government that kills even animals, YES ANIMALS! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMDg1uR4R28). What else is there? Oh yeah. They are raping women. Forcing women to strip down naked and serve there men. If that's not bad enough, well, you tell me what is then. So, can someone have an opinion on that? Well, your gonna look really, really stupid. And nobody is gonna want to look at you. I mean, technically speaking, you CAN have an opinion on it, but, good luck sleeping at night. Besides, if you side with the government, you are in the same league as all his loser ass supporters. That would make you more of a looser than you already are.
Anonymous Syrian
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